We know you want to ask some questions during our inspection.
You may be curious about what we actually doing during inspection. You may like to follow us during inspection and ask some questions as we go.
But the best way to ask us is to not disturb us during inspection, write down all your questions and ask us when we have finished visual inspection.
Leave us along during inspection, so we can be focusing on what we are doing.

Regardless of the condition of the subject house, we always try to avoid discuss the subject house in front of the existing owner or your real estate agent.
If too many people around, ask us on the phone after inspection, or simply tell your agent that our conversation is private.

Most of real estate agent is very perticular about time we spend for inspection. Very often the first question we are asked on site is: how long the inspection will take?
We are pretty much the only company which carry out house inspections by two inspectors at the same time so that inspections can be completed within a reasonable time frame.
But we simply do not know how long the inspection will take. This will depend on how many major issues found, how many questions client may ask, how big the house, how complicated the house, what kind of inspection the client wanted, the weather, and etc.
The agent should alow 1.5h for a standard inspection as a rule of thumb, even though we may be able to do it qucker if the house is relatively simple and small.